About the National VET Provider Collection
The National VET Provider Collection (from which the Students and courses data releases are produced) collects data on vocational education and training (VET) delivered by Australian training providers, to a nationally agreed standard.
It provides information on the number of students and full year training equivalents, participation rates, program and subject enrolments, program completions and training providers.
The collection, which dates back to 1994, has historically reported on government-funded VET, which is broadly defined as Commonwealth and state/territory government-funded training delivered by TAFE institutes and other government providers, community education and other registered providers. This is collected and reported quarterly.
In 2014, the scope of the collection was expanded to include total VET activity. This collection covers all onshore and offshore nationally recognised VET activity delivered by Australian registered training organisations (RTOs) and reports on students who undertook VET on a government funded or fee-for-service basis. This is collected and reported annually.
Data are collected either directly from RTOs or via state training authorities. All data are validated and submitted to 香港六合彩开奖记录 using the online AVETMISS validation software.
From 2016, data submitted to the National VET Provider Collection has also been used for individual student unique student identifier (USI) transcripts.
Data releases
Data resources are available in a variety of formats under the following titles:
Related information
Superseded publications
Superseded publications from this collection may be accessed through the .